MicroPilot Releases New Product: XTENDERmp Software Developer’s Kit
February 24, 2004
MicroPilot’s latest product release is the XTENDERmp Software Developer’s Kit. The XTENDERmp gives the systems integrator the ability to fully customize the MP2x28g autopilot and the HORIZONmp ground control software to match their end user’s requirements. Using the XTENDERmp it is possible to implement alternate control laws, collect and display data from custom sensors, and control specialized payloads such as pan and tilt cameras.
Key Features of XTENDERmp
- Ability to customize control laws for enhanced control of your airframe
- Allows you to use custom software that communicates to the MP2028g autopilot through the HORIZONmp
ground control software
- Ability to write your own custom ground control software
- Extends the HORIZONmp to accept third party software (e.g. vision software) that can access autopilot data
- Extends the autopilot to control custom payloads and collect data from custom sensors
- Dramatically reduces risk and increases productivity as the autopilot 6DOF simulator allows you to test your code on the
- Allows for complete access to the autopilot state for enhanced control
The XTENDERmp takes the MicroPilot brand of autopilots to a whole new level. This powerful program is the key to differentiating your product from the competition. The XTENDERmp taps into the power of MicroPilot’s MP2x28g, "the world’s smallest autopilot”, and expands it to fill the gap between standard autopilot functionality and your specific requirements.
The XTENDERmp is priced at $5000 (US).
For more information email info@micropilot.com or contact MicroPilot directly at +1 204 344 5558.
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