Since the company began in 1994, MicroPilot autopilots have been compact, lightweight and powerful. They have flown everything from one-pound MAVs/backpacks to high-speed turbine powered drones. MicroPilot offers more flexibility and selection in autopilots than ever before, meeting clients' needs ranging from sophisticated data and imaging UAV systems to entry level or single use applications. Learn more |
Learn the features of MicroPilot’s enclosed autopilots, specifically the MP2128LRC. This product is MicroPilot's premium UAV autopilot package. LRC stands for “long range communication", which refers to this product's most significant benefit, an integrated, redundant, long-range data communication link allowing greater distance and flexibility for your UAV system.Learn more |
The MP21283X contains three of MicroPilot’s premier MP2128HELI autopilots. This system is expertly designed to complete flight missions with high value payloads as well as courses over sensitive areas. Loaded with 11 serial ports, 8 high current drivers each with redundant power supply inputs, and 16 independently-generated servo signals, the MP21283X sets new reliability standards within the industry.Learn more |
Software & Development Tools
The choice of over 1500 clients in 100 countries, HORIZONmp Ground Control Software offers a user-friendly point-and-click interface. Developed by MicroPilot for the MP2x28 series of autopilots, HORIZONmp runs on a Windows computer or laptop. Learn more |
MicroPilot's new True Hardware-in-the-Loop (trueHWIL2) simulator offers UAV integrators and researchers the highest-fidelity UAV autopilot simulation available on the market today. Learn more |
XTENDERmp taps into the power of a world recognized autopilot and expands it to fill the gap between standard autopilot functionality and your specific requirements. Learn more |
Develop high-level requirements and easily decompose them into appropriate lower level requirements with XTENDERvalidate, the world’s first available design life-cycle tool for UAVs. Learn more |
MicroPilot offers a complete range of accessories for your autopilot needs. Whether you need exact compass headings, highly accurate altitude information, communication with your autopilot while in-flight or an analog to digital converter for additional sensors, MicroPilot has the product to fully customize your autopilot program. Learn more |