MicroPilot - World Leader in Professional UAS Autopilots
World Leader in Professional UAV Autopilots

MicroPilot Launches the First Commercially Available Triple-Redundancy UAV Autopilot

MicroPilot has combined three of its premier MP2128g autopilots into the first commercially available triple-redundancy unmanned aerial vehicle autopilot. Loaded with multiple communication links, backup high current drivers, backup power supplies, and independently generated servo signals, this autopilot sets new reliability standards within the industry.

November 20, 2010 - Stony Mountain, Manitoba, Canada - The MP21283X, MicroPilot’s triple-redundancy (3X) autopilot, is now available. Although 3X technology is established within the aviation industry, 3X autopilots are a new addition to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The MP21283X contains three robust autopilots to overcome a multitude of hardware failures. If any one of the three autopilots should fail, the remaining two take over. An additional mechanism oversees these three systems.

Customers who benefit from The MP21283X conduct flight missions that fly expensive air frames and payloads, perform high-speed missions, or cannot recover with a flight termination system. UAV flights over built-up and environmentally sensitive geographic areas also benefit from the added reliability 3X offers. “The MP21283X’s ability to quickly detect hardware faults makes this product a solid solution for overcoming inadequate recovery times,” says Howard Loewen, MicroPilot President.

Moreover, UAV flights calling for error-free transitions benefit from the MP21283X. Vehicle operation switches seamlessly between autopilots. The MP21283X is designed to avoid sudden control outputs that could cause the UAV to strike the ground during critical flight maneuvers such as takeoff and flare. Furthermore, the MP21283X synchronizes data, settings, and waypoints among all three autopilots. This ensures each MP2128g has enough information to continue its mission in the event of a failure. The MP21283X also synchronizes configuration and waypoints in-flight changes.

The MP21283x provides eight input/output ports and two RS232 serial ports for ground control communication via radio modems. The MP21283X includes provision for multiple communication links, backup high current drivers, backup power supplies, and independently-generated servo signals. Moreover, two different types of global positioning system receivers are used to improve its reliability. MicroPilot also modified its HORIZONmp Ground Control Station software to accommodate the extra status information the MP21283X provides. Other upgrades to handle the extra requirements of the MP21283X include quasi hardware in the loop simulator, datalog viewer, error monitor, and software update utilities.

MicroPilot’s MP21283X offers the high degree of redundancy UAV operators need to conduct UAV flights over sensitive areas and geographical areas that offer little hope for recovering a lost vehicle. When flight termination systems are not enough to protect your assets, whether they are expensive airframes or high-dollar payloads, a triple-redundancy autopilot is worth the investment. “We set our sights high when we designed our new triple-redundant autopilot and supporting products,” says Loewen.

About MicroPilot

With 650 clients in 60 countries, MicroPilot is the world leader in miniature autopilots for UAVs and MAVs. MicroPilot offers a family of light-weight autopilots that can fly fixed-wing, transitional and helicopter UAVs. MicroPilot also provides complementary products such as the XTENDER SDK, trueHWIL, payloads, and catapults. .

Howard Loewen

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