MicroPilot - World Leader in Professional UAS Autopilots
World Leader in Professional UAV Autopilots
Waypoint Import
Interfacing with other systems is a fact of life. The ability to import waypoints and other data from these systems saves time and improves accuracy.

  • Generate Waypoints from a CSV or ESRI shape file so you can import flight plans from other GIS systems.
  • Accepts Lat/Lon, UTM or MGRS for maximum flexibility.
  • Import Altitudes for 3D flight profiles
  • Set field values based on data in the imported file.

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Safety First
Operator Oriented
GCS Aware
Multi-UAV Support
Integrator Friendly
Advanced Simulation
Video Friendly
Video Friendly
Advance Joystick Support
Error Monitor
Sensor Monitor
Launch & Recovery Monitor
Waypoint Import
Waypoint Grid Generator
NMEA Output