MicroPilot’s 3rd generation
autopilot comes with increased
safety, reliability, and processing power.
MicroPilot’s 3rd generation autopilot has improved processing power as well as increased safety and reliability. To achieve these goals, MicroPilot has incorporated a faster microprocessor that is also designed for safety critical applications.
MicroPilot's MP2128HELI3 is the first autopilot to use the 3rdgeneration processor and software. The form factor, connectors, and I/O ports will remain the same as MicroPilot’s 2nd generation autopilots. This preserves compatibility and our customers' investment into the platform.
Safety-critical microprocessor
Improved I/O
Improved sensors
ARINC 653 partitioned RTOS
Software and form-factor compatible with 2nd generation autopilot
With an ARINC 653 partitioned RTOS certifiable up to DO-178C DAL A, the MP2128HELI3 autopilot is ready to meet the UAV industry's safety requirements.
Simplified DO-178C certification as it separates software of different design assurance levels
Hardware Improvements in MP2128HELI3:
Error correcting RAM, Flash and Cache protects against single bit upset
Ethernet support for more flexible communication
Improved gyros for a more accurate attitude estimate and better flight performance
Upgraded GNSS receiver supports more constellations and increased reliability
Improved temperature compensation increases airspeed accuracy
Almost triple the onboard flash memory allows longer data logs
Dual-core lock-step guarantees any processor errors are detected
Error-checking I/O ensures data integrity among chips
More serial ports with larger transmit and receive buffers supports higher baud rates
Floating point coprocessor for faster arithmetic operations
Does not use interrupts other than the on-chip timing interrupt. This makes it more reliable as interrupts can cause a failure if they occur too often
ARINC 653 Partitioned RTOS certifiable up to DO-178C DAL A